Dataset handling

The following functions can be used for downloading and parsing data from various sources, and storing it in binary datasets. A dataset is a list of records, normally in time descending order. Any record begins with an 8-byte timestamp field that can also hold other 8-byte data in special cases. The subsequent fields have a size of 4 bytes and can contain floats, ints, or strings. The size of a record in bytes is therefore 4+fields*4. The total number of records must not exceed the int range.
  Datasets can store option chains, order books, asset names, reports, earnings, interest rates, or any other data organized in rows and columns. Text strings can have any size and can occupy several adjacent fields. A dataset can be saved, loaded, imported or exported, searched, sorted, merged, split, resized, or used as indicator in backtests. The .t1, .t2, .t6, and .t8 historical data files are in fact datasets with 1, 2, 6, or 8 data fields plus 1 timestamp field.

The following functions are used to create or load a dataset:

dataNew (int Handle, int Records, int Fields): void*

Deletes the given dataset (if any), frees the memory, and creates a new dataset with the given number of Records and Fields. If they are 0, the dataset is deleted, but no new dataset is created. Returns a pointer to the begin of the first record, or 0 when no new dataset was created.

dataLoad (int Handle, string Filename, int Fields): int

Reads a dataset from a binary file. Fields is the number of fields per record, including the timestamp field at the begin of any record. Thus, a .t1 historical data file has 2 fields and a .t8 file has 9 fields. The function returns the number of records read, or 0 when the file can not be read or has a wrong size.

dataCompress (int Handle, string Filename, int Fields, var Resolution): int

Like dataLoad, but reads only records that differ in at least one value other than the timestamp from the previous record, and are at least Resolution milliseconds apart. On files with 2 fields, positive and negative column 1 values are compared separately for dealing with ask and bid quotes of .t1 files. Can be used to compress price history files by changing the resolution and eliminating records with no price change.

dataDownload (string Code, int Mode, int Period): int

Downloads the dataset with the given Code from Quandl™ or other price sources, and stores it in CSV format in the History folder. Returns the number of data records. Data is only downloaded when it is more recent than the last downloaded data plus the given Period in minutes (at 0 the data is always downloaded). Zorro S is required for loading Quandl datasets.

dataParse (int Handle, string Format, string Filename, int Start, int Num): int

Parses a part or all data records from the CSV file Filename and appends them at the start of the dataset with the given Handle number. For beginning a new dataset when content was already parsed, call dataNew(Handle,0,0) before. Num records are parsed, beginning with the record Start. If both parameters are omitted or zero, the whole CSV file is parsed.
  Records can have time/date, floating point, integer, and text fields. CSV headers are skipped. Several CSV files can be appended to the same dataset when their record format is identical. The CSV file can be in ascending or descending chronological order, but the resulting dataset should normally be in descending order, i.e. the newest records are at the begin. Any record in the dataset begins with a time stamp field in DATE format; the other fields can be in arbitrary order determined by the Format string (see Parameters). If the CSV file does not contain time stamps, the first field in the record is filled with zero.
  The function returns the number of records read, or 0 when the file can not be read or has a wrong format. Please see below under Remarks how to build a correct format string and how to debug the parsing.

dataParse (int Handle, string Format, string Filename, string Filter): int

As before, but parses only lines that contain the string Filter. The string is case sensitive and can include delimiters, so it can cover several adjacent fields. Use delimiters at begin and end for matching a whole field. Use '\n' as first filter character for matching the first field. This way only lines with a certain asset name, year number, or other content are parsed.

dataParseJSON (int Handle, string Format, string Filename): int

dataParseString (int Handle, string Format, string Content): int

As before, but parses timestamp, prices, and volumes from the JSON file Filename (with ".json" extension) or from the given JSON string to the dataset with the given Handle number. The file or string is supposed to contain OHLC candles or BBO quotes as JSON objects in winged brackets {..}. Depending on Format (see Parameters), the dataset is created either in T6 record format with 7 fields, or in T2 format with 3 fields. The field names are given with the Format string in a fixed order. Data fields in the JSON file must contain valid numbers; they must not be empty or contain text like "NaN" or "null". Content is modified by the parsing process.The function returns the number of records read, or 0 when the file can not be read or has a wrong format.

Storing datasets

dataSave (int Handle, string Filename, int Start, int Num)

Stores the dataset with the given Handle as a binary file. Num records are stored, beginning with the record Start. If both parameters are omitted or zero, the whole dataset is stored. Make sure that the number of records does not exceed the 2,147,483,647 limit and the resulting file size does not exceed 5 GB, which is the Windows limit for file operations.

dataSaveCSV (int Handle, string Format, string Filename, int Start, int Num)

The opposite to dataParse; stores a part or all of the dataset with the given Handle number in a CSV file with the given FileName. The type and order of the CSV fields can be defined by the Format string in the same way as for dataParse, except that no header line is stored. Usage example in CSVfromHistory.c.

Manipulating datasets

dataMerge (int Handle1, int Handle2): int

Merges dataset Handle2 into dataset Handle1. Both datasets must be sorted in descending time stamp order, and the first dataset must begin with an earlier timestamp than the second. When timestamps overlap, the content from the second dataset replaces content from the first. This function can be used to stitch datasets together. Returns the total number of records, or 0 when the datasets could not be merged

dataAppend (int Handle1, int Handle2, int Start, int Num): int

Appends dataset Handle2 partially or completely at the end of the dataset Handle1. The Handle1 dataset must be either empty or have the same number of columns as Handle2. The number of rows may be different. Num records from Handle2 are stored, beginning with the record Start. If both parameters are omitted or zero, the whole dataset is appended. Returns the total number of records, or 0 when the datasets could not be appended.

dataAppendRow (int Handle, int Fields): void*

Appends a new record at the end of the given dataset, and returns a temporary pointer to the begin of the new record. If the dataset didn't exist, it is created with the given number of fields. The returned pointer remains valid until the next dataAppendRow call. Use dataRow (see below) for converting the pointer to a record number. 

dataDelete (int Handle, int Record1, int Record2): int

Deletes all records from Record1 up to Record2 from the dataset. Returns its new number of records.

dataClip (int Handle, int Records): int

Truncates the dataset to the given number of records.

dataSort (int Handle)

Sorts the dataset with the given Handle in descending time stamp order. Returns the number of records.

dataCompressSelf (int Handle, var MinTime)

Like dataCompress, but compresses the dataset with the given Handle.

Plotting datasets

Datasets can be plotted to a histogram or statistics chart with the plot commands. For plotting them in special ways, the following commands have been added:

dataChart (int Handle, string Filename, CONTOUR, NULL)

Generates a contour chart of a 3-field dataset. The resulting image is stored under Filename when PL_FILE is set, otherwise displayed on the interactive chart. The value in the first field of a record is displayed as a contour color ranging from red to green. The second field is the x coordinate and the third field the y coordinate (see example). CONTOUR|DOT plots a cross at every xy coordinate. This function can be used to display parameter contour charts from CSV files exported by genetic or brute force training.

dataChart (int Handle, string Filename, HEATMAP, NULL)

Generates a heatmap from a 2D dataset. The resulting image is stored under Filename when PL_FILE is set, otherwise displayed on the interactive chart. The dataset contains heat values in a column x row matrix that are displayed in colors ranging from blue to red. This function can be used to display correlation or weight heatmaps.


Accessing data

dataFind (int Handle, var Date): int

Returns the number of the first record at or before the given Date in wdate format. Returns -1 when no matching record was found or when no dataset with the given Handle exists. Returns the number of records when Date is 0. The dataset must be in descending time stamp order. Decrease the returned record number to retreive records with later dates; increase it to get records with earlier dates or with the same date. Subtract an offset from Date for avoiding future peeking; f.i. for EOD datasets with timestamps from the begin and data from the end of the day, subtract 16 hours (16./24) to adjust the timestamps to 16:00 market close time.

dataRow (int Handle, void *Record): int

Returns the row number of the record with the given pointer. Reverse function of dataStr(Handle,Row,0).

dataSize (int Handle, int *Rows, int *Columns): int

Returns the number of elements in the given dataset, and set the Rows and Columns pointers, when nonzero, to the number of records and fields. 

dataSet (int Handle, int Row, int Column, var Value)

dataSet (int Handle, int Row, int Column, int Value)

Stores the Value in the floating point or integer field Column of the record Row. Can be used for modifying datasets f.i. for removing outliers or adding parameters. Since the target field format depends on whether Value is int or var, make sure to use the correct type, especially when entering constants, and typecast it with (int) or (var) if in doubt. When modifying the time stamp field of the record (Column = 0), make also sure to keep descending order of dates in the array.

dataVar (int Handle, int Row, int Column): var

Returns the value of the floating point field Column from the record Row. If Column is 0, the time stamp of the record is returned in wdate format. If Row is negative, the record is taken from the end of the dataset, i.e. Row = -1 accesses the oldest record. If the dataset is empty or if Row or Column exceed the number of records and fields, 0 is returned.

dataInt (int Handle, int Row, int Column): int

As before, but returns the value of the integer field Column from the record Row.

dataStr (int Handle, int Row, int Column): string

As before, but returns a pointer to the field Column from the record Row. It it's a text field, the text string of up to 3, 7, or 11 characters is returned. If Column is 0, it returns a pointer to the timestamp field, i.e. the start of the record. For getting a pointer to the first record of the dataset, call dataStr(Handle,0,0). For modifying a text field in a dataset, return its string pointer and then modify the string.

dataCol (int Handle, var* Data, int Column): int

Fills the Data array with all float or double elements from the given Column, and sets the rMin and rMax variables to their minimum and maximum. Returns the number of records. The Data array must have sufficient size. 

dataCopy (int Handle, var* Data): int

Fills the Data array with the content of the dataset, while all float elements are converted to double. Sets the rMin and rMax variables to the minimum and maximum value. Returns the number of elements. The Data array must have sufficient size. 

Helper functions

dataFromQuandl (int Handle, string Format, string Code, int Column): var

Helper function for generating an indicator based on a Quandl™ EOD time series. Works in live trading as well as in backtest mode, and returns the content of the field Column from the dataset Code in the given Format. This function is often used for getting extra market data, such as the yield rate or the Commitment of Traders (COT) report of particular assets. Timestamps are automatically adjusted by 16 hours so that the indicator changes when the US market opens. If this is not desired, remove the term -16./24 from the function source code in contract.c (which must be included for using this function). Zorro S is required for accessing Quandl data. 

dataFromCSV (int Handle, string Format, string Filename, int Column,int Offset): var

Helper function for generating an indicator based on a downloaded CSV file; for backtesting only. Returns the content of the field Column from the file Filename.csv in the given Format. Offset is the time stamp adjustment in minutes, f.i. to 16:00 for avoiding future peeking with EOD data. Source code in contract.c, which must be included for using this function. 


Code The Google or Quandl code, f.i. "NYSE:AMZN" or "WIKI/AAPL". For selecting a ticker from a Quandl data table, add a colon and the ticker symbol, f.i. "ZACKS/ES:AAPL". The file is stored in the History folder under the Code name with ": /' characters replaced with "- _", plus "1" when only the most recent record was downloaded, plus ".csv".
Mode FROM_GOOGLE for downloading a time series from Google™
FROM_GOOGLE|1 for downloading only the last records, for live trading
FROM_QUANDL for downloading a time series from Quandl™ (Zorro S and Quandl key required).
FROM_QUANDL|1 for downloading only the most recent record, for live trading
FROM_QTABLE for downloading a Quandl™ data table
Period Minimum time in minutes to keep the last downloaded file until a newer file is downloaded, or 0 for always downloading the file.
Handle A number from 1...1000 that identifies the dataset. Handles above 1000 are reserved for Zorro functions.
FileName Name of the file, with relative or absolute path.
Records Number of records in the dataset.
Fields Number of fields per record, including the date field.
Date Timestamp in Windows DATE format. Days are represented by whole number increments starting with 30 December 1899, midnight UTC. The time of the day is represented in the fractional part of the number.
Start, Num The first record and the number of records to be stored.
Row, Column The record and field number, starting with 0. The date is always the first field of the record. If Row is negative, the record is taken from the end of the file, i.e. Row = -1 accesses the oldest record.
Value New value of the addressed field.
Filter Filter string to select lines to be parsed. The line must contain the string. Use delimiters for matching a complete field. Use '\n' as first character when the line must begin with the filter string.

CSV format string for parsing records with mixed content from a CSV file to a dataset, or for storing a dataset to a file in the CSV format. Fields in the format string are separated with the same delimiter as in the CSV file, either a comma, a semicolon, or '|' for a tab. A field can be either empty, or contain a placeholder that determines the field content. Fields with no placeholder are skipped and don't appear in the dataset. A record of a CSV time series should contain at least one date/time field; if there are more, f.i. separate fields for date and time, they are summed up.

Codes at the begin of the format string:

+ - ascending date order; reverse the records and append parsed data to the end of the dataset. Otherwise descending date order is assumed and data is appended to the begin.
0,1,2 - number of header lines in the .csv file to be skipped (default: 1).
u01..u99 - skip all lines that are up to the nth character (n = 00..99) identical to the previous line. Used for storing only records with unique date/time fields.
n - skip all lines that contain the string "NaN" or "null" or have an invalid date/time field.

The following placeholders can be used to parse field content. If the format string is empty or contains no placeholders, the CSV file is parsed as if all fields contained floating point numbers.

f - for a floating point field, f.i. 123.456. If the delimiter is a semicolon, the decimal point can be a comma.
i - for an integer field. Nonnumerical characters are skipped, f.i. "07/21/16" is parsed to 72116.
s - for a 3 characters text field.
ss... - for an extended text field of size 4n-1, where n is the number of 's'. Occupies n adjacent fields in the dataset, while field 0 counts as 2 fields.
%t - for a date/time field in Unix format, either seconds or milliseconds since January 1,1970.
%w - for a date/time field in Windows DATE format, number of days since December 30,1899.
%... - for a date/time field with DATE format codes, f.i. "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" for the ISO 8601 time format. Trailing seconds can have decimals and are parsed with 1 microsecond precision.

Example: A profit-and-loss curve generated by a backtest is a list of CSV records with a date and the associated equity, like "2016-06-01,123.45", in ascending date order with a single header line. The format string "+%Y-%m-%d,f" parses it to a dataset in T1 format.

Date/time fields are parsed into field 0 of the dataset and can be retrieved with dataVar(..,..,0) in the Windows DATE format. The number of fields in the dataset is the date field plus the sum of all f, i, s characters in the format string. It can be different to the number of fields in the CSV record. The f, i, s placeholders are normally followed by a field number in the resulting dataset. Example: "+%Y%m%d %H%M%S,f3,f1,f2,f4,f6" parses Histdata™ CSV files into a dataset in T6 format. If the field number is omitted, the fields are parsed in ascending order, starting with field 0. Use f1 for starting with field 1. Skipped fields are filled with 0.

Format JSON format string containing the token names of a OHLC candle or  ask/bid (BBO) quote in a JSON file. OHLC candles are stored in T6 records, ask or bid quotes are stored in T2 records.
T6: "Start,Time,Timeformat,High,Low,Open,Close,AdjClose,Volume"
T2: "Start,Time,Timeformat,Ask,AskSize,Bid,BidSize"

- token name or start string of the whole price structure. Determines from where to parse.
Timeformat - format of the date/time field with DATE format codes, as in the CSV format string.
Time - token name of the date/time field.
High,Low,Open,Close - token names of the price fields.
AdjClose - token name of the adjusted close field, or empty if the file contains no such field.
Volume - toke name of the volume field, or empty if the file contains no volume data.
Ask - token name of the best ask quote field.
AskSize - token name of the ask size field.
Bid - token name of the best bid quote field, or empty if the file contains no bid quotes.
BidSize - token name of the bid size field, or empty.

If the file already begins with the '[' character, use it for the start token.
Example: "[,date,%t,high,low,open,close,,".


Examples (see also import, scripts, and contract):

// COT report for S&P500
var CFTC_SP(int Column) { 
  return dataFromQuandl(802,"%Y-%m-%d,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f","CFTC/TIFF_CME_SP_ALL",Column); 

// convert some .csv formats to .t6
string Format = "%Y-%m-%d,f3,f1,f2,f4,,,f6,f5"; // Quandl futures format to .t6, f.i. "CHRIS/CME_CL1"

string Format = "%Y-%m-%d,f3,f1,f2,f4,f6,f5"; // Yahoo data format to unadjusted .t6, with adjusted close stored in fVal

// read a time series out of field 1 of dataset H
vars MyData = series(dataVar(H,dataFind(H,wdate(0)),1));

// Coinbase Bitcoin/EUR price to .t1
void main()
  string Format = "+0,,,%t,f,f,s";
  int Records = dataParse(1,Format,"History\\BTCEUR.csv");
  printf("\n%d records read",Records);
// now convert it to t1 and change sign for sell quotes
  for(i=0; i<Records; i++) {
    T1* t1 = dataAppendRow(2,2);
    t1->time = dataVar(1,i,0);
    t1->fVal = dataVar(1,i,1);
    string sell = dataStr(1,i,3);
    if(sell[0] == 't') t1->fVal = -t1->fVal;
// display progress bar and check [Stop] button
    if(!progress(100*i/Records,0)) break;
  if(Records) dataSave(2,"History\\BTCEUR.t1");

// evaluate an extra parameter stored with time stamps in a dataset
if(Init) dataLoad(1,"History\\MyParameters.dta",2);
int Row = dataFind(1,wdate(0));
MyExtraParameter = dataVar(1,Row,1);

// Download earnings data from AlphaVantage 
// and store earnings surprises in a dataset
int loadEarnings()
  string URL = strf("",
    Asset,report(33));  // 33 = AlphaVantage API key
  string Content = http_transfer(URL,0); // JSON format
  if(!Content) return 0; 
  string Pos = strstr(Content,"reportedDate");  
  if(!Pos) return 0;
  while(Pos) {
    var Date = wdatef("%Y-%m-%d",Pos+12+4);
    if(Date == 0) break;
    Pos = strstr(Pos,"surprisePercentage");
    if(!Pos) break;
    int Row = dataRow(1,dataAppendRow(1,2));
    dataSet(1,Row,0,Date); // earnings date in field 0
    dataSet(1,Row,1,atof(Pos+18+4)); // surprise in field 1
    printf("\n%.4f %.4f",dataVar(1,Row,0),dataVar(1,Row,1));
    Pos = strstr(Pos,"reportedDate"); // next JSON record
  return 1;

// plot a heatmap
void main()
  int i,j;
  for(i=0; i<8; i++) 
    for(j=0; j<10; j++)

// plot a contour map
void main()
  int i,j;
  for(i=0; i<10; i++) 
    for(j=0; j<10; j++) {

// plot the 2nd field of a dataset as a red line
int Records = dataLoad(1,"MyDataset.dta");
int N;
for(N=0; N<Records; N++)

See also:

file, strvar, price history, contract

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