Parameter |
Internal | Returns |
GET_TIME | 0 | Last incoming quote time in the server time zone, OLE DATE format. | |
GET_DIGITS | Symbol | Number of relevant digits after decimal point in the price quotes. | |
GET_STOPLEVEL | Symbol | The 'safety net' stop level of the last order (non-NFA accounts only). | |
GET_TRADEALLOWED | Symbol | Trade is allowed for the asset. | |
GET_MINLOT | Symbol | Minimum permitted amount of a lot. | |
GET_LOTSTEP | Symbol | Step for changing lots. | |
GET_MAXLOT | Symbol | Maximum permitted amount of a lot. | |
GET_MARGININIT | Symbol | Initial margin requirements for 1 lot. | |
Symbol | Margin to maintain open positions calculated for 1 lot. | |
GET_MARGINHEDGED | Symbol | Hedged margin calculated for 1 lot. | |
GET_COMPLIANCE | 0 | Account restrictions, a combination of the following flags: 1 - no partial closing; 2 - no hedging; 4 - FIFO compliance; 8 - no closing of trades; 15 - full NFA compliant account. | |
GET_SERVERSTATE | 0 | State of the broker server: 1 - server connected; 2 - server disconnected; 3 - server was temporarily disconnected since the last GET_SERVERSTATE command. | |
GET_NTRADES | 0 | Number of all open trades in this account. | |
GET_POSITION | Symbol | ✔ | Net open amount (as in BrokerBuy2) of the given symbol; negative values for short positions. For brokers with varying lot amounts, call SET_AMOUNT before. |
GET_AVGENTRY | 0 | Average entry price for the preceding GET_POSITION command, or 0 when no position was open. The raw entry price from the broker is returned; in case of options it might be required to divide it by the Multiplier. | |
GET_FILL | Trade ID | Deprecated; replaced by BrokerTrade. Returned the current fill amount of the open order, or -1 when the order was not found or was not open anymore. | |
GET_ACCOUNT | String | Fills the string with the account name. | |
GET_DATA | String | General request to a REST API. The string contains the request, usually a JSON object. It can optionally begin with a '#' hash character and the last part of the post address ending with a blank, f.i. "#data "). The string is then filled with the response from the API. Returns the response size in characters, or 0 when no valid response was returned. | |
GET_PRICE | 1 ... 3 | Returns a particular price after a
BrokerAsset call.
The price type can be given in the argument: 4 - last traded price 5 - last ask price 6 - last bid price |
GET_VOLUME | 2 ... 7 | ✔ | Returns a particular volume after a
BrokerAsset call.
The volume type can be given in the argument: 2 - tick frequency, if supported 4 - trade volume, often accumulative 5 - last ask size 6 - last bid size 7 - open interest, for options |
GET_BOOK | T2* | ✔ | Fills the given T2 array with current quotes from the order book. The asset is set with SET_SYMBOL; bid prices are negative, the time field is optional. The last T2 element is set to 0 for indicating the end of the array. Returns the number of quotes. |
GET_TRADES | TRADE* | ✔ | Fill the given TRADE array with the parameters of all open positions from the current account (see remarks). Return the number of positions. |
GET_OPTIONS | CONTRACT* | ✔ | Fill the given CONTRACT array with the option chain of the underlying set with SET_SYMBOL (see remarks). |
GET_FUTURES | CONTRACT* | ✔ | Fill the given CONTRACT array with the futures chain of the underlying set with SET_SYMBOL (see remarks). |
GET_FOP | CONTRACT* | ✔ | Fill the given CONTRACT array with the options of futures chain of the underlying set with SET_SYMBOL (see remarks). |
GET_UNDERLYING | 0 | ✔ | Get the underlying price for the preceding brokerAsset call when the asset was an option. |
GET_GREEKS | var[5] | Get the greeks for a preceding brokerAsset or contractPrice call. Fills the parameter array with P[0] = Implied Volatility; P[1] = Delta; P[2] = Gamma; P[3] = Vega; P[4] = Theta. Greeks cannot be retrieved with 'fast' price type.0 | |
SET_DELAY | Time in ms | Set delay in ms between commands sent to the broker (normally 20). | |
SET_WAIT | Time in ms | Set maximum wait time in ms for confirmation after a command was sent to the broker. Default depends on the broker plugin; normally 60000. Increase the time when trades need longer than 1 minute to open. | |
GET_MAXTICKS | 0 | ✔ | Return the maximum number of ticks to be filled by BrokerHistory2. If this command is not supported, it's 300 ticks. This command is called at login to set the MaxTicks variable. |
GET_MAXREQUESTS | 0 | ✔ | Return the maximum number of requests per second allowed by the broker API. Sets up MaxRequests if supported. |
GET_HEARTBEAT | 0 | ✔ | Return the maximum time in ms that the API tolerates without a request. Sets up TickTime if supported. |
GET_BROKERZONE | 0 | ✔ | Return the time zone of the timestamps set by the BrokerHistory2 function. Return 0 for UTC. Used for setting BrokerZone. |
SET_DIAGNOSTICS | 0, 1 | 1 to enable, 0 to disable diagnostics output. When enabled, communication between plugin and API and other plugin messages will be recorded in the log for diagnostic purposes. | |
GET_LOCK | 0 | Returns 1 if broker API calls must be locked for synchonizing them among several connected Zorros; returns -1 if broker API need not be locked. In this case the NOLOCK flag is automatically set. | |
SET_LOCK | 0, 1 | Set (1) or release (0) a lock for synchonizing commands among several connected Zorros (see remarks). Returns 0 if the lock was already set, otherwise 1. | |
SET_SLIPPAGE | Pips | Set the maximum allowed slippage (default = 5 pips) in adverse direction for subsequently opening or closing trades. Higher allowed slippage causes less requotes, but allows trades to be entered at a worse price. Note that the allowed slippage is not guaranteed; trades can be still entered at higher slippage dependent on the brokerm, market access method, and server setup. | |
SET_SYMBOL | Symbol | ✔ | Set the symbol for subsequent commands. |
SET_MAGIC | Number | Set a "magic number" for identifying trades opened by the current script. | |
SET_MULTIPLIER | Number | ✔ | Set the multiplier for retrieving option and future chains. |
SET_CLASS | Name | Set the name of the trading class. Call this before setting the symbol for option and future chains; use an empty string ("") for all trading classes. | |
SET_AMOUNT | var pointer | ✔ | Set the lot size for buy/sell orders; for assets with arbitrary lot sizes. Automatically sent before any order if the current LotAmount is less than 1. |
SET_LEVERAGE | Number | ✔ | Set the leverage for buy/sell orders; for assets with adjustable leverage. Automatically sent before any order with the current Leverage value. |
SET_PATCH | Patch value | Work around broker API issues that
cause wrong account or asset parameters. Retrieve the following parameters
in trade mode not from the broker
API, but
from the asset list or by calculating them
on the Zorro side
(numbers can be combined by addition): 1 - Balance and Equity; 2 - TradeProfit of open trades; 4 - TradeProfit of all trades; 8 - Server time; 16 - Rollover and Commission; 32 - Leverage and MarginCost; 64 - PIP, PIPCost, LotAmount. |
SET_HWND | HWND | ✔ | Called before login with Zorro's window handle. The window handle can be used to trigger asynchronous events and send messages to Zorro with the PostMessage function. |
SET_FUNCTIONS | Function pointer | ✔ | Called before login with a pointer to Zorro's function list, an array of function pointers in the order given by include\func_list.h. This allows the plugin to call Zorro functions, such as HTTP or hash functions for REST APIs, by their number (see example). |
GET_CALLBACK | Address pointer |
✔ | Get the address of a plugin-supplied callback function that is called at any WM_APP+3 message; automatically called after login. |
SET_BROKER | Text | Set the broker or exchange name when a plugin supports multiple brokers or exchanges. Returns 0 when the name did not match any, otherwise nonzero. | |
SET_SERVER | Text | ✔ | Send the optional URL in the account list Server field to the broker API. Automatically called before login. Can be used to set a different URL for REST endpoints. |
SET_CCY | Text | ✔ | Send the currency part of the account list CCY field to the broker API. Automatically called before any BrokerAccount call. |
SET_COMMENT | Text | Display the given text (255 characters max) in the broker platform, usually at the top of the chart window. | |
SET_COMBO_LEGS | 2, 3, 4 | ✔ | Declare the given number of following option trades as a combo order. Most brokers offer reduced margin and commission on combos. To use, set the combo leg number and immediately call the enter commands for the contracts. The order will be processed after the last enter command is received. If the order fails, the last enter will return 0. The script must then cancel the prior trades. All combo trades must have matching expiration dates and underlying symbols; otherwise the order will not be accepted. |
SET_ORDERTYPE | 0 ... 11 | ✔ | Switch between order types and
return the type if supported by the broker plugin, otherwise 0.
Automatically called at any order entry depending on
TradeMode and StopFactor. 0 - Broker default (highest fill probability) 1 - AON (all.or-none); prevents partial fills 2 - GTC (good-till-cancelled); order stays open until completely filled 3 - AON+GTC 4 - Broker specific special order type +8 - STOP; add a stop order at distance Stop*StopFactor on NFA accounts (see remarks). |
SET_ORDERTEXT | Text | Set an arbitrary order comment for the next order (255 characters max). Often also used for special orders, f.i. for trading binary options with MT4, or for special order types like "STP LMT" with IB. Reset with an empty string. | |
SET_ORDERGROUP | Text | Set an order group name for the next orders (255 characters max). Often used for grouping orders together, f.i. for One-Cancels-Another (OCA) orders, depending in the broker. Reset with an empty string. | |
SET_PRICETYPE | 0 ... 8 | Set the
type of prices returned by BrokerAsset and
BrokerHistory2, if applicable.
Return the type if supported by the broker plugin, otherwise
0. 0 - Broker default (ask/bid if available, otherwise last trade price); 1 - enforce ask/bid quotes; 2 - enforce last trade price; 3 - special (broker specific); 4 - suppress price requests; 6 - adjusted last trade price (for historical data); 8 - fast price requests: ask, bid, or trade, whatever received first. The spread is normally only updated when ask/bid quotes are returned. |
SET_VOLTYPE | 0 ... 7 | Set the type of volume data
returned by BrokerAsset and BrokerHistory2,
if applicable. Return the type if supported by the broker plugin,
otherwise 0. 0 - Broker default, usually quote size; 1 - no volume; 2 - tick frequency; 3 - quote size (ask+bid); 4 - trade volume; 5 - ask size; 6 - bid size; 7 - open interest. |
SET_VALTYPE | 0 .. 3 | Set the type of
marketVal data returned by
BrokerAsset and BrokerHistory2, if
applicable. Return the type if supported by the broker plugin,
otherwise 0. 1 - no data; 2 - spread; 3 - WAP. |
GET_UUID | String | ✔ | Copies the UUID of the last opened trade to the given string. |
SET_UUID | String | ✔ | Sets the UUID for the next command from the given string. |
DO_EXERCISE | Lots | ✔ | Exercise the given number of contracts of the option type set with SET_SYMBOL. |
DO_CANCEL | Trade ID | ✔ | Cancel the remaining unfilled amount of the order with the given trade ID. If ID == 0, all open orders are cancelled. If ID == -1, cancel the order with the UUID set before by SET_UUID. Otherwise, use a valid ID of an open position. Returns 1 when the order was cancelled, or 0 when the order was not found or could not be cancelled. |
PLOT_HLINE | var[5] | Place a horizontal line at a given price in the chart window of the broker platform. 5 parameters are used: P[0] = always 0; P[1] = price position; P[2] = line color; P[3] = line width; P[4] = line style. Return the identfier number of the line. | |
PLOT_TEXT | var[4] | Place a text element at a price position at the right border of the chart window. 5 parameters are used: P[0] = always 0; P[1] = price position; P[2] = text color; P[3] = text size in points. Return the identfier number of the text element. | |
PLOT_MOVE | var[3] | Move the graphical element with the identifier given by the first parameter P[0], the horizontal position given by P[1] and the vertical position given by P[2]. | |
PLOT_STRING | Text | Set or modify the text content for the last created or moved text element. | |
PLOT_REMOVE | Identifier | Delete the graphical element with the given identifier. | |
PLOT_REMOVEALL | 0 | Remove all graphical elements from the chart. | |
2000..2999 | var | User supplied command with a single numerical parameter. | |
3000..3999 | P[8] | User supplied command with an array of 8 var parameters.. | |
4000..5999 | char* | User supplied command with a text string. |
Command | Input, one of the commands from the list above. |
Parameter | Input, parameter or data to the command. A 32 bit int or pointer for 32 bit plugins, or a 64 bit long int or pointer for 64 bit plugins. |
Parameters, P | Input, array of up to 8 vars for commands that set or retrieve multiple parameters. |
Symbol | Input, char*, broker symbol of an asset (see Symbol). Complex symbols, as for selected option contracts, can have the underlying, exchange, expiry, and other parameters coded in the name as described under IB Bridge. |
Text | Input, char*, for commands that require a text string. |
brokerCommand(SET_COMMENT,strf("Algo %s",Algo)); // set a comment brokerCommand(SET_PATCH,16+32); // take swap, commission, leverage from the asset list var Greeks[5]; contractPrice(ThisContract); brokerCommand(GET_GREEKS,Greeks); // get greeks of the current contract
// Read all positions from an asset list /////////////////////// void main() { assetList("AssetsFix"); string Name; while(Name = loop(Assets)) { var Position = brokerCommand(GET_POSITION,Name); printf("\n%6.4f %s",Position,Name); if(!wait(10)) break; } } // read and print the order book void main() { static T2 Quotes[MAX_QUOTES]; brokerCommand(SET_SYMBOL,"AAPL"); int i,N = brokerCommand(GET_BOOK,Quotes); printf("\nOrderbook: %i quotes",N); for(i=0; i<N; i++) printf("\nPrice %.2f Vol %.2f",(var)Quotes[i].fVal,(var)Quotes[i].fVol); } // read JSON data string from the Coinigy REST API void main() { brokerCommand(SET_BROKER,"GDAX"); static char Buffer[MAX_BUFFER]; strcpy(Buffer,"#data "); // target point strcat(Buffer,"{\n\"exchange_code\": \"GDAX\","); strcat(Buffer,"\n\"exchange_market\": \"BTC/USD\","); strcat(Buffer,"\n\"type\": \"bids\"\n}"); int Size = brokerCommand(GET_DATA,Buffer); if(Size) printf("\nResponse: %s",Buffer); }
// Use Zorro HTTP functions in a REST API plugin int (__cdecl *http_send)(const char* url,const char* data,const char* header) = NULL; long (__cdecl *http_status)(int id) = NULL; long (__cdecl *http_result)(int id,char* content,long size) = NULL; int (__cdecl *http_free)(int id) = NULL; ... DLLFUNC double BrokerCommand(int command,intptr_t parameter) { switch(command) { case SET_FUNCTIONS: { FARPROC* Functions = (FARPROC*)parameter; (FARPROC&)http_send = Functions[139]; (FARPROC&)http_status = Functions[142]; (FARPROC&)http_result = Functions[143]; (FARPROC&)http_free = Functions[144]; return 1.; } ... } return 0.; }